Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Looking for affordable Box Braids / Poetic Justice Braids in Atlanta? Look no further!

Hey loves! I'm off today and for the first time in a long time, I don't have much to do! I usually spend my off days working in other ways - either fulfilling PynkLayce Accessories orders or doing someone's hair. This weekend was spent installing long Box Braids and if I must say so myself, they came out awesome.

Summer is on our heels and it's time for high skirts and low maintenance! Who wants to deal with styling all that natural hair with this beautiful weather screaming our names? I know I don't (hence Big Chop #2), and I'm pretty sure most of you can relate as well. Can I make a suggestion? Box Braids! Also called Poetic Justice, Brandy, or Solange Braids, Box Braids are a great way to switch it up for Spring / Summer while giving your natural hair a little break to grow. They're gorgeous, timeless, and the styling possibilities are endless...

If you're in the Atlanta area and in need of high-quality, yet affordable Box Braids or Genie Locs (I do those too!), feel free to email me at MeeMahrii@gmail.com for an appointment! I offer my services at a fraction of what Atlanta salons are charging and you can be confident that you'll love your results!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Stretching My 5 Year Old's Natural Hair [Blow-out / Flat Twist-out]

Since cutting my hair again, I've began to focus more on styling than actual growth. My hair would definitely have reached twist-out length by now, but I'm just not really interested in having much length. So what about all of you who have grown with me since day one? Don't fret! I will still have plenty of information, tutorials, product reviews, and more for natural hair of all lengths!

For my naturals with mid-length to long hair, this one's for you:

My daughter St. Charles is always up for making videos, so of course she jumped at the chance to star in her own! Here we share our method for stretching and flat-twisting her natural hair. She is 5 years old and her hair is 100% virgin - it's never been chemically processed, ever. If I had to define her hair type, I'd say she's somewhere in the 3a - 3c category with very tight curls that carry major shrinkage. Because of this, her hair can look a lot shorter than it actually is and people are amazed at the results after I stretch and twist it:

Products Used:

Herbal Essences 'Hello Hydration' Conditioner

Pure African Shea Butter 

Elasta QP's Olive Oil & Mango Butter

After sleeping overnight with her bonnet on, we removed her flat twists and enjoyed the gorgeous results :)

We had so much fun doing this and I hope this helps someone out there! All questions / comments are welcomed below! Thanks for growing with me loves,

Friday, April 5, 2013

Back to Mee.

Well hello my loves! How you doin'? [In my best Wendy Williams voice]. It's been like forever and 2 years since I've posted here, but I have not given up on my natural hair journey, nor did I abandon my promise to my followers and subscribers to keep you all informed along the way. I did, however, let real life and it's circumstances prevent me from putting forth as much effort as I'd like. But that, my friends, is about to change.
I'm getting back to Mee! I've renewed my focus on myself and my brand and I have so much in store for my followers that I'm overflowing with excitement! At almost 2 years natural, I've shifted my focus from growth to overall healthy and naturally beautiful hair. With that being said, look forward to more tutorials, product reviews, and posts on all other things natural hair! Thanks for growing with me loves!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Update | 18 Months Natural!

It's hard to believe it's been a year and a half since I made one of the biggest decisions of my life and rejoined Team Natural. I say rejoin because I've realized that when we decide to rid our hair of chemical processing and hindrances, we're not 'going' natural. We're returning to our natural state; We're reclaiming our own perceptions of beauty and basking in what makes us unique. I'm so proud to be a part of this team! When I started this journey, I was scared out of my mind. Here, in the spur of the moment I'd just chopped all of my hair off and could not turn back - even if I wanted to. But as scared as I was, I'd never felt so fearless! This big head and it's little hair felt worthy of whatever I set my eyes on, and it must have shown because others began to notice a change in my attitude towards myself and others. You know that saying, 'when you look good, you feel good'? That, my friends, is the truth. Fast forward 18 months later and I've definitely come a long way! Check out this video where I update you on my natural hair journey, as well as what's in store for The Natural Mee!

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