Thursday, December 8, 2011

[Tutorial]: Finger Shingling my TWA

I've just about reached the 4-month mark on my natural hair journey and I couldn't be more pleased with the way things are going so far...

But let's backtrack a bit. My hair has been growing like a Chia pet, so I've actually had to change hairstyles about twice since my last post. After 3 months, my Combo Wash and Go method was no longer working for me, so I had to begin dabbling in the art of shingling! Lol... Have no clue about what shingling is? Check it out for yourself (=

I shared this video with a few of my co-workers and they all had great results!! I hope this can help someone else (=


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog! I follow you on twitter (@bkaQuietStorm). The videos are a huge help because they give a visual. I have been natural off and on since 2008, but I never really started watching natural hair videos until recently. So, I'm sure you can imagine what I have gone through trying to figure out things on my own with natural hair. I think if I had watched natural hair videos, I would not have ended up getting a relaxer again. After being natural again for nearly 1 year (after the relaxer incident), my hair grew so fast during my pregnancy, but I just had to basically do a TWA again because I was not taking care of my hair and I had major breakage. So, now I definitely will be taking better care of my hair from this point on. My hair is very thick and kinky and I have not been able to find a product or figure out how to make the curls more defined. I never knew about the shingling process until looking at your video, and I cannot wait to try it! :) I guess I am use to having longer natural hair, so I am struggling with confidence now that I have the short hair again. However, watching videos like this gives me hope again.

Who is Mee Mahrii? said...

Thanks so much! I am so happy to help other newly naturals out there! I've also had long hair all my life; although I went short a few years before going natural, I never really had to style my hair because I was in the salon EVERY Friday lol. YouTube reeally helped in my decision to go natural because I discovered I had options! The only thing I didn't like was the fact that many of the gurus are waaaay ahead of me right now! And you can only watch the old videos for so long lol so I decided to document my journey for those who can grow with me.

Please do try the shingling and let me know how it turns out! Thanks for your comment! [=

NaturalByFaith said...

You are very welcome! I realized that my hair is a bit too long for the shingling, so I did a twist out... kind of a fail. :( I'm sure I can do better with a different method and maybe even a different hair product. I'll post a twit pic soon.

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