Looking for Affordable Box Braids in Atlanta? Look No Further!
Are you in the Atlanta area and looking for affordable Box Braids or Genie Locs? I offer this service at a fraction of what Atlanta salons are charging...
My Big Chop!
On August 12, 2011 I finally decided that going natural was what I wanted to do, so I took matters into my own hands. Watch as I cut off my permed ends in order to join [#teamnatural]!
Check Mee Out on YouTube!
I also have a YouTube channel that focuses on natural hair care, as well as makeup and fashion. Stop by and subscribe... it's free!
New to Team Natural?
So you've big chopped... now what? Check out my Newly Natural Lessons Learned for a few tips and guidance!
Update | 18 Months Natural!
It's hard to believe it's been over a year already since I joined #TeamNatural...
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I also have a YouTube channel that focuses on natural hair, as well as makeup and fashion. If you're a YouTube junkie like Mee, click below to check out my channel [& sub, it's free!]...
Although I just started this blog, I've already began documenting my natural hair journey via YouTube...
In this video, I share my method for styling my 1 month old Teeny Weeny Afro (from co-wash to finish) using a combination of Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel and World of Curls Activator Gel.
Products Used:
Organic's Olive Oil Deep Conditioner
Creme of Nature Argan Oil Leave-In Conditioner
Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel
World of Curls Activator Gel
Before I decided to go natural I did A LOT of research on styling a TWA. I guess I just wanted to make sure that no matter what my hair texture turned out to be, I would have a method for styling it... I hope this video helps someone else [=
Before I share my Big Chop story, I must first admit that I was one of those 'I'll NEVER go natural' girls... *giggles* silly Mee!
I'm not going to go into the full story of my hair just yet (mostly because I'm strapped for time right now), but it's important to note that this was not my first Big Chop. Although this is my first experience being natural, due to damage I had to cut my hair from very long to very short about 2 years ago and I've been rocking a short cut since. Back then, I lost a lot of hair, but I gained a lot of courage (& confidence).
Before 'Big Chop' #1
After 'Big Chop' #1
I've enjoyed my short hair for these last few years. My mother was blessed with long, beautiful hair that I only got to see in pictures because she cut her hair before I was born and kept it short for the remainder of her life. I could never understand why she wouldn't let her hair grow long again! Until I went down that very road myself...
Fast forward 2 years and my decision to go natural was just as much a surprise to me as it was to everyone else. Although I've always been a fan of natural hair and LOVE to see my black sistas loving their natural selves, I never saw myself embarking upon that journey. So I'd been rocking with my short, permed, over-processed hair. I've worn all sorts of styles with my short hair, but I became bored with it and quite frankly, wasn't taking care of my hair AT ALL. I decided it was time for change.
But what would I do next? Go shorter? Maybe try weaves for a while? Asymmetrical bob anyone?
Still undecided, one day I logged on to Facebook and saw that one of my co-workers had just done the Big Chop and gone natural and she looked simply AMAZING. She'd posted a video on YouTube showing the process she followed to style her natural hair and define her curls and from there I immersed myself in YouTube videos, blogs, forums, and anything else I could find focusing on natural hair. I became entranced by the idea of staring fresh with my hair and redefining myself. Within about 2 or 3 weeks of doing constant research, as well as subscribing to all the natural hair guru's I could find on YouTube, I finally decided to stop playing games and just go for it! I figured my hair was already short, if being natural didn't work out I could always slap a perm in and go back to what I've done in the past.
But then I really started thinking... Isn't going natural really about accepting and loving your hair and all it's kinky, coily, curly, or nappy-ness? Isn't it about embracing who you are, naturally? I hadn't had a perm in about 3 months so on August 12, 2011 I made the concious decision to accept, embrace, and love my hair... no matter what it's natural texture. SO I JUST CUT IT ALL OFF! [=
I commend those who have the patience for transitioning, but I feel that going natural is a journey! Why not start at the [beginning]?
Hey loves! Welcome to my new blog NaturallyMee♥ I've been blogging for about 3 years now, but my work has mostly centered around the lives, events, and contributions of others. Today I decided that it's time I began highlighting my own life, goals, and accomplishments... beginning with my natural hair journey [=
Soooo... who am I and why should you follow me?
I am Mee Mahrii and I was born to create. I'm a very artistic individual, so I'm always looking for some form of creative expression, whether its writing, music, drawing, sewing, or designing my jewelry, I'm always into something.
At 24 years old, I'm sorta at that point where I've realized that I'm not your average chick. I mean it's not like I haven't known that my entire life, but recent events have served as confirmation that I'm the type of girl that needs more out of life. Complacency is a bitch and will get the best of you if you allow it. Well, I refuse. This can't be life...
So this blog is basically going to focus on MEE! And whatever I decide to do with my life for as long as I decide to keep this site running. What I can promise is a lot of updates, product reviews, and tales of my natural hair experiences from now on...
Hey loves! I am a 24 year-old new addition to [#teamnatural]! I BC'd on August 12, 2011 and I've decided to document my natural hair journey through YouTube and this site! If you are interested in learning with me as I learn myself, click [follow]!