It's officially been 6 months since my Big Chop last August and I couldn't be more happy with my progress!! I'm still in the process of getting settled in ATL, so this update will be a quick pictorial... nonetheless, even in pictures the growth is apparent and amazing!
I get a lot of questions about the products I use to make my hair grow... honestly, I don't do anything special! I don't even twist the fro every night as I should... I just love and take care of my hair! I co-wash and deep condition weekly and I don't overwhelm my hair with products. Quarterly trims (it's about time for one now) and keeping my hair stretched and free through twist-outs may be contributing to the growth, but it's nothing I'm doing on purpose, I promise!
I've gotten a few updated regimen requests from my YouTube subbies, so I'll whip that up and post soon (:
Where are you on your natural hair journey? Comment below!